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Combining Ability Analysis of Yield-Related Traits of Two EliteRice Restorer Lines in Chinese Hybrid Rice

时间:2023-11-29 15:22 来源:本网 【字体:

Shiguang Wang, Haoxiang Wu , Zhanhua Lu, Wei Liu, Xiaofei Wang, Zhiqiang Fang and Xiuying He*

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Hybrid rice breeding is an important strategy for enhancing grain yield. Breeding highperformance parental lines and identifying combining abilities is a top priority for hybrid breeding. Yuenongsimiao (YNSM) and its derivative variety Yuehesimiao (YHSM) are elite restorer lines with a high ability of fertility restoration, from which 67 derived hybrid combinations have been authorized to different degrees in more than 110 instances in China. In this study, we found that YNSM and YHSM contained three candidate restorer-of-fertility (Rf ) genes, Rf3, Rf4, and Rf5/Rf1a, that might confer their restoration ability. Subsequently, we investigated heterosis and combining ability of YNSM and YHSM using 50 F1 hybrids from a 5  10 incomplete diallelic mating design. Our results indicated that hybrid combinations exhibited significant genetic differences, and the additive effects of the parental genes played a preponderant role in the inheritance of observed traits. The metrics of plant height (PH), 1000-grain weight (TGW), panicle length (PL), and the number of spikelets per panicle (NSP) were mainly affected by genetic inheritance with higher heritability. Notably, the general combining ability (GCA) of YHSM exhibited the largest positive effect on the number of grains per panicle (NGP), NSP, PL, and TGW. Thus, YHSM had the largest GCA effect on yield per plant (YPP). In addition, the GCA of YNSM exhibited a positive impact on YPP, mainly due to the critical contribution of seed setting percentage (SSP). Moreover, YNSM and YHSM exhibited negative GCA effects on PH, implying that YNSM and YHSM could effectively enhance plant lodging resistance by reducing the plant height of the derived hybrids. Remarkably, among the hybrids, Yuanxiang A/YNSM (YXA/YNSM), Shen 08S/Yuemeizhan (S08S/YMZ), and Quan 9311A/YHSM (Q9311A/YHSM) represent promising new combinations with a higher specific combining ability (SCA) effect value on YPP with a value more than 3.50. Our research thus highlights the promising application for the rational utilization of YNSM and YHSM in hybrid rice breeding.

Keyeords:hybrid rice; Yuenongsimiao; restorer of fertility; GCA; SCA

附件:Combining Ability Analysis of Yield-Related Traits of Two EliteRice Restorer Lines in Chinese Hybrid Rice.pdf

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